Monday, March 29, 2010

Closing in...

It seems like years have passed since early February, when anxiousness was giving way to optimistic motivation, and the "final push" to complete the album was an idealized and shining goal ahead of me.

A lot has happened in the last two months. My grandfather passed away, leaving me dedicated and focused on my immediate family more than the dreams I harbor. I started & ended another project for a local artist that had been scheduled, and learned empirically about the technical considerations and objectivity required to Engineer and Master recordings that could "stand up" to what the masses hear/expect on a daily basis. My daily life as a "working man", more accurately- a consumer, has been at odds with who I truly am as a person, which has sparked a fire to find a way to become a full time artist... ALL HUMBLING EXPERIENCES THAT HAVE CHANGED ME.

Although I've been reminded of Life's eminence, the reality of the LP has never been closer. This week marks the last week of Mastering and tweaks before I send the master in for the Lacquer & Plating, and subsequent pressing of the first 100!
If the manufacturing phase goes timely, then by this time next month you should be hearing about when to expect delivery of the album, release shows, and a sigh of satisfaction...and I'll be waiting to hear what the world thinks of my account about hearing a muse & channeling the art she inspires.